Takes a dataframe and at least two variables as input, conducts a crosstabulation of the variables using dplyr. Removes NAs and then plots the results as one of three types of bar (column) graphs using ggplot2. The function accepts either bare variable names or column numbers as input (see examples for the possibilities)

PlotXTabs(dataframe, xwhich, ywhich, plottype = "side")



an object that is of class dataframe


either a bare variable name that is valid in the dataframe or one or more column numbers. An attempt will be made to coerce the variable to a factor but odd plots will occur if you pass it a variable that is by rights continuous in nature.


either a bare variable name that is valid in the dataframe or one or more column numbers that exist in the dataframe. An attempt will be made to coerce the variable to a factor but odd plots will occur if you pass it a variable that is by rights continuous in nature.


one of three options "side", "stack" or "percent"


One or more ggplots to the default graphics device as well as advisory information in the console

See also


Chuck Powell


PlotXTabs(mtcars, am, vs)
#> Plotted dataset mtcars variables am by vs
PlotXTabs(mtcars, am, vs, "stack")
#> Plotted dataset mtcars variables am by vs
PlotXTabs(mtcars, am, vs, "percent")
#> Plotted dataset mtcars variables am by vs
PlotXTabs(mtcars, am, 8, "side")
#> Creating the variable pairings from dataframe mtcars
#> Plot #1 am with vs
#> Plotting complete
PlotXTabs(mtcars, 8, am, "stack")
#> Creating the variable pairings from dataframe mtcars
#> Plot #1 vs with am
#> Plotting complete
PlotXTabs(mtcars, am, c(8, 10), "percent")
#> Creating the variable pairings from dataframe mtcars
#> Plot #1 am with vs
#> Plot #2 am with gear
#> Plotting complete
PlotXTabs(mtcars, c(10, 8), am)
#> Creating the variable pairings from dataframe mtcars
#> Plot #1 gear with am
#> Plot #2 vs with am
#> Plotting complete
PlotXTabs(mtcars, c(2, 9), c(10, 8), "mispelled")
#> Creating the variable pairings from dataframe mtcars
#> Plot #1 cyl with gear
#> Plot #2 cyl with vs
#> Plot #3 am with gear
#> Plot #4 am with vs
#> Plotting complete
if (FALSE) { PlotXTabs(happy, happy, sex) # baseline PlotXTabs(happy, 2, 5, "stack") # same thing using column numbers PlotXTabs(happy, 2, c(5:9), plottype = "percent") # multiple columns RHS PlotXTabs(happy, c(2, 5), 9, plottype = "side") # multiple columns LHS PlotXTabs(happy, c(2, 5), c(6:9), plottype = "percent") PlotXTabs(happy, happy, c(6, 7, 9), plottype = "percent") PlotXTabs(happy, c(6, 7, 9), happy, plottype = "percent") }