I Be Cav Home

R Lover but !a Programmer

Chuck Powell

A modern data scientist using R has access to an almost bewildering number of tools, libraries and algorithms to analyze the data. In my next two posts I’m going to focus on an in depth visit with CHAID (Chi-square automatic interaction detection). The title should give you a hint for why I think CHAID is a good “tool” for your analytical toolbox. There are lots of tools that can help you predict or classify but CHAID is especially good at helping you explain to any audience how the model arrives at it’s prediction or classification. It’s also incredibly robust from a statistical perspective, making almost no assumptions about your data for distribution or normality. I’ll try and elaborate on that as we work the example.

You can get a very brief summary of CHAID from wikipedia and mentions of it scattered about in places like Analytics Vidhya or Data Flair. If you prefer a more scholarly bent the original article can be found in places like JSTOR. As the name implies it is fundamentally based on the venerable Chi-square test – and while not the most powerful (in terms of detecting the smallest possible differences) or the fastest, it really is easy to manage and more importantly to tell the story after using it.

Compared to some other techniques it’s also quite simple to use, as I hope you’ll agree, by the end of these posts. To showcase it we’re going to be using a dataset that comes to us from the IBM Watson Project and comes packaged with the rsample library. It’s a very practical and understandable dataset. A great use case for a tree based algorithm. Imagine yourself in a fictional company faced with the task of trying to figure out which employees you are going to “lose” a.k.a. attrition or turnover. There’s a steep cost involved in keeping good employees and training and on-boarding can be expensive. Being able to predict attrition even a little bit better would save you lots of money and make the company better, especially if you can understand exactly what you have to “watch out” for that might indicate the person is a high risk to leave.

Setup and library loading

If you’ve never used CHAID before you may also not have partykit. CHAID isn’t on CRAN but I have commented out the install command below. You’ll also get a variety of messages, none of which is relevant to this example so I’ve suppressed them.

# install.packages("partykit")
# install.packages("CHAID", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
require(rsample) # for dataset and splitting also loads broom and tidyr
theme_set(theme_bw()) # set theme

Predicting attrition in a fictional company

Let’s load up the attrition dataset and take a look at the variables we have.

# data(attrition)
## 'data.frame':    1470 obs. of  31 variables:
##  $ Age                     : int  41 49 37 33 27 32 59 30 38 36 ...
##  $ Attrition               : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ BusinessTravel          : Factor w/ 3 levels "Non-Travel","Travel_Frequently",..: 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 ...
##  $ DailyRate               : int  1102 279 1373 1392 591 1005 1324 1358 216 1299 ...
##  $ Department              : Factor w/ 3 levels "Human_Resources",..: 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ DistanceFromHome        : int  1 8 2 3 2 2 3 24 23 27 ...
##  $ Education               : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "Below_College"<..: 2 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 3 3 ...
##  $ EducationField          : Factor w/ 6 levels "Human_Resources",..: 2 2 5 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 ...
##  $ EnvironmentSatisfaction : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 2 3 4 4 1 4 3 4 4 3 ...
##  $ Gender                  : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 ...
##  $ HourlyRate              : int  94 61 92 56 40 79 81 67 44 94 ...
##  $ JobInvolvement          : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 ...
##  $ JobLevel                : int  2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 ...
##  $ JobRole                 : Factor w/ 9 levels "Healthcare_Representative",..: 8 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 5 1 ...
##  $ JobSatisfaction         : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 3 3 3 ...
##  $ MaritalStatus           : Factor w/ 3 levels "Divorced","Married",..: 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 ...
##  $ MonthlyIncome           : int  5993 5130 2090 2909 3468 3068 2670 2693 9526 5237 ...
##  $ MonthlyRate             : int  19479 24907 2396 23159 16632 11864 9964 13335 8787 16577 ...
##  $ NumCompaniesWorked      : int  8 1 6 1 9 0 4 1 0 6 ...
##  $ OverTime                : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...
##  $ PercentSalaryHike       : int  11 23 15 11 12 13 20 22 21 13 ...
##  $ PerformanceRating       : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Good"<"Excellent"<..: 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 ...
##  $ RelationshipSatisfaction: Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 1 4 2 3 4 3 1 2 2 2 ...
##  $ StockOptionLevel        : int  0 1 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 2 ...
##  $ TotalWorkingYears       : int  8 10 7 8 6 8 12 1 10 17 ...
##  $ TrainingTimesLastYear   : int  0 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 ...
##  $ WorkLifeBalance         : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Bad"<"Good"<"Better"<..: 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 ...
##  $ YearsAtCompany          : int  6 10 0 8 2 7 1 1 9 7 ...
##  $ YearsInCurrentRole      : int  4 7 0 7 2 7 0 0 7 7 ...
##  $ YearsSinceLastPromotion : int  0 1 0 3 2 3 0 0 1 7 ...
##  $ YearsWithCurrManager    : int  5 7 0 0 2 6 0 0 8 7 ...

Okay we have data on 1,470 employees. We have 30 potential predictor or independent variables and the all important attrition variable which gives us a yes or no answer to the question of whether or not the employee left. We’re to build the most accurate predictive model we can that is also simple (parsimonious) and explainable. The predictors we have seem to be the sorts of data we might have on hand in our HR files and thank goodness are labelled in a way that makes them pretty self explanatory.

The CHAID library in R requires that any variables that we enter as predictors be either nominal or ordinal variables (see ?CHAID::chaid), which in R speak means we have to get them in as either factor or ordered factor. The str command shows we have a bunch of variables which are of type integer. As it turns out moving from integer to factor is simple in terms of code but has to be thoughtful for substantive reasons. So let’s see how things breakdown.

attrition %>%
  select_if(is.factor) %>%
## [1] 15
attrition %>%
  select_if(is.numeric) %>%
## [1] 16

Hmmmm, 15 factors and 16 integers. Let’s explore further. Of the variables that are integers how many of them have a small number of values (a.k.a. levels) and can therefore be simply and easily converted to true factors. We’ll use a dplyr pipe to see how many have 5 or fewer levels and 10 or fewer levels.

attrition %>%
    length(unique(col)) <= 5 & is.integer(col)) %>%
##   JobLevel StockOptionLevel
## 1        2                0
## 2        2                1
## 4        1                0
## 5        1                0
## 7        1                1
## 8        1                0
attrition %>%
    length(unique(col)) <= 10 & is.integer(col)) %>%
##   JobLevel NumCompaniesWorked StockOptionLevel TrainingTimesLastYear
## 1        2                  8                0                     0
## 2        2                  1                1                     3
## 4        1                  6                0                     3
## 5        1                  1                0                     3
## 7        1                  9                1                     3
## 8        1                  0                0                     2

2 and 4 respectively. We can be pretty confident that converting these from integer to factor won’t lose much information. Simple to run a mutate operation across the 4 we have identified. Probably more elegant though to make it a mutate_if. That way in the future we decide we like 4 or 7 or 122 as our criteria for the change we only have to change one number. The “if” variation is also less to type and less likely to make a manual mistake.

attrition %>%
    JobLevel = factor(JobLevel),
    NumCompaniesWorked = factor(NumCompaniesWorked),
    StockOptionLevel = factor(StockOptionLevel),
    TrainingTimesLastYear = factor(TrainingTimesLastYear)
  ) %>% 
## 'data.frame':    1470 obs. of  31 variables:
##  $ Age                     : int  41 49 37 33 27 32 59 30 38 36 ...
##  $ Attrition               : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ BusinessTravel          : Factor w/ 3 levels "Non-Travel","Travel_Frequently",..: 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 ...
##  $ DailyRate               : int  1102 279 1373 1392 591 1005 1324 1358 216 1299 ...
##  $ Department              : Factor w/ 3 levels "Human_Resources",..: 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ DistanceFromHome        : int  1 8 2 3 2 2 3 24 23 27 ...
##  $ Education               : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "Below_College"<..: 2 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 3 3 ...
##  $ EducationField          : Factor w/ 6 levels "Human_Resources",..: 2 2 5 2 4 2 4 2 2 4 ...
##  $ EnvironmentSatisfaction : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 2 3 4 4 1 4 3 4 4 3 ...
##  $ Gender                  : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 ...
##  $ HourlyRate              : int  94 61 92 56 40 79 81 67 44 94 ...
##  $ JobInvolvement          : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 ...
##  $ JobLevel                : Factor w/ 5 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 ...
##  $ JobRole                 : Factor w/ 9 levels "Healthcare_Representative",..: 8 7 3 7 3 3 3 3 5 1 ...
##  $ JobSatisfaction         : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 3 3 3 ...
##  $ MaritalStatus           : Factor w/ 3 levels "Divorced","Married",..: 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 ...
##  $ MonthlyIncome           : int  5993 5130 2090 2909 3468 3068 2670 2693 9526 5237 ...
##  $ MonthlyRate             : int  19479 24907 2396 23159 16632 11864 9964 13335 8787 16577 ...
##  $ NumCompaniesWorked      : Factor w/ 10 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 9 2 7 2 10 1 5 2 1 7 ...
##  $ OverTime                : Factor w/ 2 levels "No","Yes": 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...
##  $ PercentSalaryHike       : int  11 23 15 11 12 13 20 22 21 13 ...
##  $ PerformanceRating       : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Good"<"Excellent"<..: 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 ...
##  $ RelationshipSatisfaction: Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Low"<"Medium"<..: 1 4 2 3 4 3 1 2 2 2 ...
##  $ StockOptionLevel        : Factor w/ 4 levels "0","1","2","3": 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 3 ...
##  $ TotalWorkingYears       : int  8 10 7 8 6 8 12 1 10 17 ...
##  $ TrainingTimesLastYear   : Factor w/ 7 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 1 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 ...
##  $ WorkLifeBalance         : Ord.factor w/ 4 levels "Bad"<"Good"<"Better"<..: 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 ...
##  $ YearsAtCompany          : int  6 10 0 8 2 7 1 1 9 7 ...
##  $ YearsInCurrentRole      : int  4 7 0 7 2 7 0 0 7 7 ...
##  $ YearsSinceLastPromotion : int  0 1 0 3 2 3 0 0 1 7 ...
##  $ YearsWithCurrManager    : int  5 7 0 0 2 6 0 0 8 7 ...
attrition <- attrition %>% 
  mutate_if(function(col) length(unique(col)) <= 10 & is.integer(col), as.factor)

##       Age        Attrition            BusinessTravel   DailyRate     
##  Min.   :18.00   No :1233   Non-Travel       : 150   Min.   : 102.0  
##  1st Qu.:30.00   Yes: 237   Travel_Frequently: 277   1st Qu.: 465.0  
##  Median :36.00              Travel_Rarely    :1043   Median : 802.0  
##  Mean   :36.92                                       Mean   : 802.5  
##  3rd Qu.:43.00                                       3rd Qu.:1157.0  
##  Max.   :60.00                                       Max.   :1499.0  
##                 Department  DistanceFromHome         Education  
##  Human_Resources     : 63   Min.   : 1.000   Below_College:170  
##  Research_Development:961   1st Qu.: 2.000   College      :282  
##  Sales               :446   Median : 7.000   Bachelor     :572  
##                             Mean   : 9.193   Master       :398  
##                             3rd Qu.:14.000   Doctor       : 48  
##                             Max.   :29.000                      
##           EducationField EnvironmentSatisfaction    Gender   
##  Human_Resources : 27    Low      :284           Female:588  
##  Life_Sciences   :606    Medium   :287           Male  :882  
##  Marketing       :159    High     :453                       
##  Medical         :464    Very_High:446                       
##  Other           : 82                                        
##  Technical_Degree:132                                        
##    HourlyRate       JobInvolvement JobLevel
##  Min.   : 30.00   Low      : 83    1:543   
##  1st Qu.: 48.00   Medium   :375    2:534   
##  Median : 66.00   High     :868    3:218   
##  Mean   : 65.89   Very_High:144    4:106   
##  3rd Qu.: 83.75                    5: 69   
##  Max.   :100.00                            
##                       JobRole     JobSatisfaction  MaritalStatus
##  Sales_Executive          :326   Low      :289    Divorced:327  
##  Research_Scientist       :292   Medium   :280    Married :673  
##  Laboratory_Technician    :259   High     :442    Single  :470  
##  Manufacturing_Director   :145   Very_High:459                  
##  Healthcare_Representative:131                                  
##  Manager                  :102                                  
##  (Other)                  :215                                  
##  MonthlyIncome    MonthlyRate    NumCompaniesWorked OverTime  
##  Min.   : 1009   Min.   : 2094   1      :521        No :1054  
##  1st Qu.: 2911   1st Qu.: 8047   0      :197        Yes: 416  
##  Median : 4919   Median :14236   3      :159                  
##  Mean   : 6503   Mean   :14313   2      :146                  
##  3rd Qu.: 8379   3rd Qu.:20462   4      :139                  
##  Max.   :19999   Max.   :26999   7      : 74                  
##                                  (Other):234                  
##  PercentSalaryHike   PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction
##  Min.   :11.00     Low        :   0    Low      :276           
##  1st Qu.:12.00     Good       :   0    Medium   :303           
##  Median :14.00     Excellent  :1244    High     :459           
##  Mean   :15.21     Outstanding: 226    Very_High:432           
##  3rd Qu.:18.00                                                 
##  Max.   :25.00                                                 
##  StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance
##  0:631            Min.   : 0.00     0: 54                 Bad   : 80     
##  1:596            1st Qu.: 6.00     1: 71                 Good  :344     
##  2:158            Median :10.00     2:547                 Better:893     
##  3: 85            Mean   :11.28     3:491                 Best  :153     
##                   3rd Qu.:15.00     4:123                                
##                   Max.   :40.00     5:119                                
##                                     6: 65                                
##  YearsAtCompany   YearsInCurrentRole YearsSinceLastPromotion
##  Min.   : 0.000   Min.   : 0.000     Min.   : 0.000         
##  1st Qu.: 3.000   1st Qu.: 2.000     1st Qu.: 0.000         
##  Median : 5.000   Median : 3.000     Median : 1.000         
##  Mean   : 7.008   Mean   : 4.229     Mean   : 2.188         
##  3rd Qu.: 9.000   3rd Qu.: 7.000     3rd Qu.: 3.000         
##  Max.   :40.000   Max.   :18.000     Max.   :15.000         
##  YearsWithCurrManager
##  Min.   : 0.000      
##  1st Qu.: 2.000      
##  Median : 3.000      
##  Mean   : 4.123      
##  3rd Qu.: 7.000      
##  Max.   :17.000      

As you look at the results this is a good time to remind you that CHAID is “non parametric” which means that we don’t have to worry about how the distribution (normality) looks nor make any assumptions about the variance. We are assuming that the predictors are independent of one another, but that is true of every statistical test and this is a robust procedure. So for now, let’s simply ignore all the variables that are still integers. I promise we’ll come back and deal with them later. But for now I’m eager to actually use CHAID and do some predicting. We’re also going to defer and address the issue of “over-fitting” and how to most wisely use the data we have. We’re simply going to build a first model using all 1,470 cases, the 18 factors we have available to predict with and we are trying to predict attrition. We’ll create a new dataframe called newattrit (how original right?).

newattrit <- attrition %>% 
## [1] 1470   19

The chaid command accepts two pieces of information in it’s simplest case, a formula like outcome ~ predictors and a dataframe. We’re going to make use of the ~ . shortcut on the right hand side and add attrition on the left and newattrit as our dataframe.

About 6 seconds later (at least on my Mac) we’ll have a solution that we can print and plot.

I’m going to output all the plots in a smaller size for the benefit of you the readers. I’m doing that via RMarkdown and it won’t happen automatically for you if you download and use the code. I’ll initially be using, fig.height=10, fig.width=20, dpi=90, out.width=“900px”

What does CHAID do? Straight from the help pages “Select the predictor that has the smallest adjusted p-value (i.e., most significant). If this adjusted p-value is less than or equal to a user-specified alpha-level alpha4, split the node using this predictor. Else, do not split and the node is considered as a terminal node.” So it will take our 18 predictors and test each one against our outcome variable – attrition. The one with the lowest p value (a proxy for is most predictive) will “anchor” our decision tree. It will then repeat this process of splitting until more splits fail to yield significant results. I’m way over-simplifying, of course, but you get the idea. The end result will be a series of terminal nodes (think of them as “prediction buckets” that have a group of employees who all meet the same criteria who we think will either attrit or not attrit). Let’s run it.

# demonstrate a full model using chaid with defaults
chaidattrit1 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + Department + Education + EducationField + 
##     EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + 
##     JobRole + JobSatisfaction + MaritalStatus + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TrainingTimesLastYear + WorkLifeBalance
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] StockOptionLevel in 0
## |   |   |   [4] JobSatisfaction in Low
## |   |   |   |   [5] RelationshipSatisfaction in Low, Medium, High: No (n = 56, err = 42.9%)
## |   |   |   |   [6] RelationshipSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 28, err = 7.1%)
## |   |   |   [7] JobSatisfaction in Medium, High
## |   |   |   |   [8] JobInvolvement in Low: Yes (n = 12, err = 41.7%)
## |   |   |   |   [9] JobInvolvement in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   [10] BusinessTravel in Non-Travel, Travel_Rarely: No (n = 181, err = 9.9%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [11] BusinessTravel in Travel_Frequently
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [12] RelationshipSatisfaction in Low: Yes (n = 8, err = 25.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [13] RelationshipSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High: No (n = 30, err = 16.7%)
## |   |   |   [14] JobSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 134, err = 7.5%)
## |   |   [15] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3
## |   |   |   [16] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 127, err = 11.0%)
## |   |   |   [17] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   [18] Department in Human_Resources, Sales: No (n = 164, err = 8.5%)
## |   |   |   |   [19] Department in Research_Development: No (n = 314, err = 3.2%)
## |   [20] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [21] JobLevel in 1
## |   |   |   [22] StockOptionLevel in 0, 3
## |   |   |   |   [23] JobSatisfaction in Low, Medium, High: Yes (n = 61, err = 26.2%)
## |   |   |   |   [24] JobSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 28, err = 46.4%)
## |   |   |   [25] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2
## |   |   |   |   [26] BusinessTravel in Non-Travel, Travel_Rarely: No (n = 50, err = 26.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [27] BusinessTravel in Travel_Frequently: Yes (n = 17, err = 35.3%)
## |   |   [28] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [29] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married
## |   |   |   |   [30] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Low, Medium: No (n = 60, err = 20.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [31] EnvironmentSatisfaction in High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   [32] TrainingTimesLastYear in 0, 6: No (n = 10, err = 40.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [33] TrainingTimesLastYear in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [34] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Low, Medium, High: No (n = 57, err = 0.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [35] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 61, err = 6.6%)
## |   |   |   [36] MaritalStatus in Single
## |   |   |   |   [37] Department in Human_Resources, Research_Development: No (n = 37, err = 10.8%)
## |   |   |   |   [38] Department in Sales: Yes (n = 35, err = 40.0%)
## Number of inner nodes:    18
## Number of terminal nodes: 20

chisq.test(newattrit$Attrition, newattrit$OverTime)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
## data:  newattrit$Attrition and newattrit$OverTime
## X-squared = 87.564, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16

I happen to be a visual learner and prefer the plot to the print but they are obviously reporting the same information so use them as you see fit. As you can see the very first split it decides on is overtime yes or no. I’ve run the chi-square test so that you can see the p value is indeed very small (0.00000000000000022).

So the algorithm has decided that the most predictive way to divide our sample of employees is into 20 terminal nodes or buckets. Each one of the nodes represents a distinct set of predictors. Take a minute to look at node 19. Every person there shares the following characteristics.

  • [2] OverTime in No
  • [15] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3
  • [17] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High
  • [19] Department in Research_Development: No

There are n = 314 in this group, our prediction is that No they will not attrit and we were “wrong” err = 3.2%. That’s some useful information. To quote an old Star Wars movie “These are not the droids you’re looking for…”. In other words, this is not a group we should be overly worried about losing and we can say that with pretty high confidence.

For contrast let’s look at node #23:

  • [20] OverTime in Yes
  • [21] JobLevel in 1
  • [22] StockOptionLevel in 0, 3
  • [23] JobSatisfaction in Low, Medium, High:

Where there are n = 61 staff, we predict they will leave Yes and we get it wrong err = 26.2% of the time. A little worrisome that we’re not as accurate but this is a group that bears watching or intervention if we want to retain them.

Some other things to note. Because the predictors are considered categorical we will get splits like we do for node 22, where 0 and 3 are on one side and 1, 2 is on the other. The number of people in any node can be quite variable. Finally, notice that a variable can occur at different levels of the model like StockOptionLevel does!

On the plot side of things there are a few key options you can adjust to make things easier to read. The next blocks of code show you how to adjust some key options such as adding a title, reducing the font size, using “simple” mode, and changing colors.

# digress for plotting
plot(chaidattrit1, type = "simple")

  main = "Testing Graphical Options",
  gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
  type = "simple"

  main = "Testing More Graphical Options",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3,
    fontsize = 10

Exercising some control

Next let’s look into varying the parameters chaid uses to build the model. chaid_control (not surprisingly) controls the behavior of the model building. When you check the documentation at ?chaid_control you can see the list of 8 parameters you can adjust. We’ve already run the default settings implicitly when we built chaidattrit1 let’s look at three others.

  • minsplit - Number of observations in splitted response at which no further split is desired.
  • minprob - Minimum frequency of observations in terminal nodes.
  • maxheight - Maximum height for the tree.

We’ll use those but our fourth model we’ll simply require a higher significance level for alpha2 and alpha4.

ctrl <- chaid_control(minsplit = 200, minprob = 0.05)
ctrl # notice the rest of the list is there at the default value
## $alpha2
## [1] 0.05
## $alpha3
## [1] -1
## $alpha4
## [1] 0.05
## $minsplit
## [1] 200
## $minbucket
## [1] 7
## $minprob
## [1] 0.05
## $stump
## [1] FALSE
## $maxheight
## [1] -1
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "chaid_control"
chaidattrit2 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit, control = ctrl)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + Department + Education + EducationField + 
##     EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + 
##     JobRole + JobSatisfaction + MaritalStatus + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TrainingTimesLastYear + WorkLifeBalance
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] StockOptionLevel in 0
## |   |   |   [4] JobSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 84, err = 31.0%)
## |   |   |   [5] JobSatisfaction in Medium, High
## |   |   |   |   [6] JobInvolvement in Low: Yes (n = 12, err = 41.7%)
## |   |   |   |   [7] JobInvolvement in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   [8] BusinessTravel in Non-Travel, Travel_Rarely: No (n = 181, err = 9.9%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [9] BusinessTravel in Travel_Frequently: No (n = 38, err = 28.9%)
## |   |   |   [10] JobSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 134, err = 7.5%)
## |   |   [11] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3
## |   |   |   [12] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 127, err = 11.0%)
## |   |   |   [13] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   [14] Department in Human_Resources, Sales: No (n = 164, err = 8.5%)
## |   |   |   |   [15] Department in Research_Development: No (n = 314, err = 3.2%)
## |   [16] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [17] JobLevel in 1: Yes (n = 156, err = 47.4%)
## |   |   [18] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [19] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married: No (n = 188, err = 10.6%)
## |   |   |   [20] MaritalStatus in Single: No (n = 72, err = 34.7%)
## Number of inner nodes:     9
## Number of terminal nodes: 11
  main = "minsplit = 200, minprob = 0.05",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3  )

ctrl <- chaid_control(maxheight = 3)
chaidattrit3 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit, control = ctrl)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + Department + Education + EducationField + 
##     EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + 
##     JobRole + JobSatisfaction + MaritalStatus + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TrainingTimesLastYear + WorkLifeBalance
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] StockOptionLevel in 0
## |   |   |   [4] JobSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 84, err = 31.0%)
## |   |   |   [5] JobSatisfaction in Medium, High: No (n = 231, err = 15.6%)
## |   |   |   [6] JobSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 134, err = 7.5%)
## |   |   [7] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3
## |   |   |   [8] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 127, err = 11.0%)
## |   |   |   [9] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High: No (n = 478, err = 5.0%)
## |   [10] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [11] JobLevel in 1
## |   |   |   [12] StockOptionLevel in 0, 3: Yes (n = 89, err = 34.8%)
## |   |   |   [13] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2: No (n = 67, err = 35.8%)
## |   |   [14] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [15] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married: No (n = 188, err = 10.6%)
## |   |   |   [16] MaritalStatus in Single: No (n = 72, err = 34.7%)
## Number of inner nodes:    7
## Number of terminal nodes: 9
  main = "maxheight = 3",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3  )

ctrl <- chaid_control(alpha2 = .01, alpha4 = .01)
chaidattrit4 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit, control = ctrl)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + Department + Education + EducationField + 
##     EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + 
##     JobRole + JobSatisfaction + MaritalStatus + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TrainingTimesLastYear + WorkLifeBalance
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] StockOptionLevel in 0
## |   |   |   [4] JobSatisfaction in Low
## |   |   |   |   [5] RelationshipSatisfaction in Low, Medium, High: No (n = 56, err = 42.9%)
## |   |   |   |   [6] RelationshipSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 28, err = 7.1%)
## |   |   |   [7] JobSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   [8] JobInvolvement in Low: No (n = 20, err = 45.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [9] JobInvolvement in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   [10] JobLevel in 1: No (n = 139, err = 18.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [11] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5: No (n = 206, err = 5.8%)
## |   |   [12] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3: No (n = 605, err = 6.3%)
## |   [13] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [14] JobLevel in 1
## |   |   |   [15] StockOptionLevel in 0, 3: Yes (n = 89, err = 34.8%)
## |   |   |   [16] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2: No (n = 67, err = 35.8%)
## |   |   [17] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [18] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married: No (n = 188, err = 10.6%)
## |   |   |   [19] MaritalStatus in Single
## |   |   |   |   [20] Department in Human_Resources, Research_Development: No (n = 37, err = 10.8%)
## |   |   |   |   [21] Department in Sales: Yes (n = 35, err = 40.0%)
## Number of inner nodes:    10
## Number of terminal nodes: 11
  main = "alpha2 = .01, alpha4 = .01",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3  )

Let me call your attention to chaidattrit3 for a minute to highlight two important things. First it is a good picture of what we get for answer if we were to ask a question about what are the most important predictors, what variables should we focus on. An important technical detail has emerged as well. Notice that when you look at inner node #3 that there is no technical reason why a node has to have a binary split in chaid. As this example clearly shows node#3 leads to a three way split that is nodes #4-6.

How good is our model?

So the obvious question is which model is best? IMHO the joy of CHAID is in giving you a clear picture of what you would predict given the data and why. Then of course there is the usual problem every data scientist has, which is, I have what I think is a great model. How well will it generalize to new data? Whether that’s next years attrition numbers for the same company or say data from a different company.

But it’s time to talk about accuracy and all the related ideas, so on with the show…

When it’s all said and done we built a model called chaidattrit1 to be able to predict or classify the 1,470 staff members. Seems reasonable then that we can get back these predictions from the model for all 1,470 people and see how we did compared to the data we have about whether they attrited or not. The print and plot commands sort of summarize that for us at the terminal node level with an error rate but all in all which of our four models is best?

The first step is to get the predictions for each model and put them somewhere. For that we’ll use the predict command. If you inspect the object you create (in my case with a head command) you’ll see it’s a vector of factors where the attribute names is set to be the terminal node the prediction is associated with. So pmodel1 <- predict(chaidattrit1) puts our predictions using the first model we built in a nice orderly fashion. On the other side newattrit$Attrition has the actual outcome of whether the employee departed or not.

What we want is a comparison of how well we did. How often did we get it right or wrong? Turns out what we need is called a confusion matrix. The caret package has a function called confusionMatrix that will give us what we want nicely formatted and printed.

There’s a nice short summary of what is produced at this url Confusion Matrix, so I won’t even try to repeat that material. I’ll just run the appropriate commands. Later we’ll revisit this topic to be more efficient. For now I want to focus on the results.

# digress how accurate were we
pmodel1 <- predict(chaidattrit1)
##  38  19  23  23  16  14 
## Yes  No Yes Yes  No  No 
## Levels: No Yes
pmodel2 <- predict(chaidattrit2)
pmodel3 <- predict(chaidattrit3)
pmodel4 <- predict(chaidattrit4)
confusionMatrix(pmodel1, newattrit$Attrition)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction   No  Yes
##        No  1190  147
##        Yes   43   90
##                Accuracy : 0.8707          
##                  95% CI : (0.8525, 0.8875)
##     No Information Rate : 0.8388          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.0003553       
##                   Kappa : 0.4192          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 7.874e-14       
##             Sensitivity : 0.9651          
##             Specificity : 0.3797          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8901          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.6767          
##              Prevalence : 0.8388          
##          Detection Rate : 0.8095          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.9095          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.6724          
##        'Positive' Class : No              
confusionMatrix(pmodel2, newattrit$Attrition)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction   No  Yes
##        No  1154  148
##        Yes   79   89
##                Accuracy : 0.8456          
##                  95% CI : (0.8261, 0.8637)
##     No Information Rate : 0.8388          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.2516          
##                   Kappa : 0.353           
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 6.382e-06       
##             Sensitivity : 0.9359          
##             Specificity : 0.3755          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8863          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.5298          
##              Prevalence : 0.8388          
##          Detection Rate : 0.7850          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.8857          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.6557          
##        'Positive' Class : No              
confusionMatrix(pmodel3, newattrit$Attrition)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction   No  Yes
##        No  1202  179
##        Yes   31   58
##                Accuracy : 0.8571          
##                  95% CI : (0.8382, 0.8746)
##     No Information Rate : 0.8388          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.02864         
##                   Kappa : 0.2936          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : < 2e-16         
##             Sensitivity : 0.9749          
##             Specificity : 0.2447          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8704          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.6517          
##              Prevalence : 0.8388          
##          Detection Rate : 0.8177          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.9395          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.6098          
##        'Positive' Class : No              
confusionMatrix(pmodel4, newattrit$Attrition)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction   No  Yes
##        No  1188  158
##        Yes   45   79
##                Accuracy : 0.8619          
##                  95% CI : (0.8432, 0.8791)
##     No Information Rate : 0.8388          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.007845        
##                   Kappa : 0.3676          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 3.815e-15       
##             Sensitivity : 0.9635          
##             Specificity : 0.3333          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.8826          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.6371          
##              Prevalence : 0.8388          
##          Detection Rate : 0.8082          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.9156          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.6484          
##        'Positive' Class : No              

There we have it, four matrices, one for each of the models we made with the different control parameters. It helpfully provides not just Accuracy but also other common measures you may be interested in. I won’t review them all that’s why I provided the link to a detailed description of all the measures. Before we leave the topic for a bit however, I do want to highlight a way you can use the purrr package to make your life a lot easier. A special thanks to Steven at MungeX-3D for his recent post on purrr which got me thinking about it.

We have 4 models so far (with more to come) we have the nice neat output from caret but honestly to compare values across the 4 models involves way too much scrolling back and forth right now. Let’s use purrr to create a nice neat dataframe. purrr’s map command is like lapply from base R, designed to apply some operations or functions to a list of objects. So what we’ll do is as follows:

  1. Create a named list called modellist to point to our four existing models (perhaps at a latter date we’ll start even earlier in our modelling process).
  2. It’s a named list so we can name each model (for now with the accurate but uninteresting name Modelx)
  3. Pass the list using map to the predict function to generate our predictions
  4. Pipe %>% those results to the confusionMatrix function with map
  5. Pipe %>% the confusion matrix results to map_dfr. The results of confusionMattrix are actually a list of six items. The ones we want to capture are in $overall and $byClass. We grab them, transpose them, and make them into a dataframe then bind the two dataframes together so everything is neatly packaged. The .id = ModelNumb tells map_dfr to add an identifying column to the dataframe. It is populated with the name of the list item we passed in modellist. Therefore the object CHAIDresults contains everything we might want to use to compare models in one neat dataframe.

The kable call is simply for your reading convenience. Makes it a little easier to read than a traditional print call.

modellist <- list(Model1 = chaidattrit1, Model2 = chaidattrit2, Model3 = chaidattrit3, Model4 = chaidattrit4)
CHAIDResults <- map(modellist, ~ predict(.x)) %>% 
                  map(~ confusionMatrix(newattrit$Attrition, .x)) %>%
                  map_dfr(~ cbind(as.data.frame(t(.x$overall)),as.data.frame(t(.x$byClass))), .id = "ModelNumb")
 kable(CHAIDResults, "html") %>% 
   kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), 
                 font_size = 9)
ModelNumb Accuracy Kappa AccuracyLower AccuracyUpper AccuracyNull AccuracyPValue McnemarPValue Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value Neg Pred Value Precision Recall F1 Prevalence Detection Rate Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy
Model1 0.8707483 0.4191632 0.8525159 0.8874842 0.9095238 0.9999996 0.0e+00 0.8900524 0.6766917 0.9651257 0.3797468 0.9651257 0.8900524 0.9260700 0.9095238 0.8095238 0.8387755 0.7833720
Model2 0.8455782 0.3529603 0.8260781 0.8636860 0.8857143 0.9999985 6.4e-06 0.8863287 0.5297619 0.9359286 0.3755274 0.9359286 0.8863287 0.9104536 0.8857143 0.7850340 0.8387755 0.7080453
Model3 0.8571429 0.2936476 0.8382017 0.8746440 0.9394558 1.0000000 0.0e+00 0.8703838 0.6516854 0.9748581 0.2447257 0.9748581 0.8703838 0.9196634 0.9394558 0.8176871 0.8387755 0.7610346
Model4 0.8619048 0.3676334 0.8432050 0.8791447 0.9156463 1.0000000 0.0e+00 0.8826152 0.6370968 0.9635036 0.3333333 0.9635036 0.8826152 0.9212873 0.9156463 0.8081633 0.8387755 0.7598560

One other thing I’ll mention in passing is that the partykit package offers a way of assessing the relative importance of the variables in the model via the varimp command. We’ll come back to this concept of variable importance later but for now a simple example of text and plot output.

sort(varimp(chaidattrit1), decreasing = TRUE)
##                 JobLevel                 OverTime  EnvironmentSatisfaction 
##              0.142756888              0.114384725              0.071069051 
##         StockOptionLevel            MaritalStatus          JobSatisfaction 
##              0.058726463              0.030332565              0.029157845 
##    TrainingTimesLastYear RelationshipSatisfaction               Department 
##              0.025637743              0.015700750              0.013815233 
##           BusinessTravel           JobInvolvement 
##              0.009906245              0.009205317
plot(sort(varimp(chaidattrit1), decreasing = TRUE))

What about those other variables?

But before we go much farther we should probably circle back and make use of all those variables that were coded as integers that we conveniently ignored in building our first four models. Let’s bring them into our model building activities and see what they can add to our understanding. As a first step let’s use ggplot2 and take a look at their distribution using a density plot.

# Turning numeric variables into factors
## what do they look like
attrition %>%
  select_if(is.numeric) %>%
  gather(metric, value) %>%
  ggplot(aes(value, fill = metric)) +
  geom_density(show.legend = FALSE) +
  facet_wrap( ~ metric, scales = "free")

Well other than Age very few of those variables appear to have especially normal distributions. That’s okay we’re going to wind up cutting them up into factors anyway. The only question is what are the best cut-points to use? In base R the cut function default is equal intervals (distances along the x axis). You can also specify your own cutpoints and your own labels as shown below.

table(cut(attrition$YearsWithCurrManager, breaks = 5))
## (-0.017,3.4]    (3.4,6.8]   (6.8,10.2]  (10.2,13.6]    (13.6,17] 
##          825          158          414           54           19
##   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15 
## 581 357 159  52  61  45  32  76  18  17   6  24  10  10   9  13
  breaks = c(-1, 0.9, 1.9, 2.9, 30),
  labels = c("Less than 1", "1", "2", "More than 2")
## Less than 1           1           2 More than 2 
##         581         357         159         373

ggplot2 has three helper functions I prefer to use: cut_interval, cut_number, and cut_width. cut_interval makes n groups with equal range, cut_number makes n groups with (approximately) equal numbers of observations, and cut_width makes groups of a fixed specified width. As we think about moving the numeric variables into factors any of these might be a viable alternative.

# cut_interval makes n groups with equal range
table(cut_interval(attrition$YearsWithCurrManager, n = 5)) 
##     [0,3.4]   (3.4,6.8]  (6.8,10.2] (10.2,13.6]   (13.6,17] 
##         825         158         414          54          19
# cut_number makes n groups with (approximately) equal numbers of observations
table(cut_number(attrition$YearsWithCurrManager, n = 5)) 
##  [0,1]  (1,2]  (2,4]  (4,7] (7,17] 
##    339    344    240    276    271
# cut_width makes groups of width width
table(cut_width(attrition$YearsWithCurrManager, width = 2)) 
##  [-1,1]   (1,3]   (3,5]   (5,7]   (7,9]  (9,11] (11,13] (13,15] (15,17] 
##     339     486     129     245     171      49      32      10       9

For the sake of our current example let’s say that I would like to focus on groups of more or less equal size which means that I would need to apply cut_number to each of the 12 variables under discussion. I’m not enamored of running the function 12 times though so I would prefer to wrap it in a mutate_if statement. If the variable is numeric then apply cut_number with n=5.

The problem is that cut_number will error out if it doesn’t think there are enough values to produce the bins you requested. So…

cut_number(attrition$YearsWithCurrManager, n = 6)
# Error: Insufficient data values to produce 6 bins.
cut_number(attrition$YearsSinceLastPromotion, n = 4)
# Error: Insufficient data values to produce 4 bins.
attrition %>% 
  mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(cut_number(., n=5)))
# Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) : 
#   Evaluation error: Insufficient data values to produce 5 bins..

A little sleuthing reveals that there is one variable among the 12 that has too few values for the cut_number function to work. That variable is YearsSinceLastPromotion. Let’s try what we would like but explicitly select out that variable.

attrition %>% 
  select(-YearsSinceLastPromotion) %>% 
  mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(cut_number(., n=5))) %>% head
##       Age Attrition    BusinessTravel          DailyRate
## 1 (38,45]       Yes     Travel_Rarely     (942,1.22e+03]
## 2 (45,60]        No Travel_Frequently          [102,392]
## 3 (34,38]       Yes     Travel_Rarely (1.22e+03,1.5e+03]
## 4 (29,34]        No Travel_Frequently (1.22e+03,1.5e+03]
## 5 [18,29]        No     Travel_Rarely          (392,656]
## 6 (29,34]        No Travel_Frequently     (942,1.22e+03]
##             Department DistanceFromHome     Education EducationField
## 1                Sales            [1,2]       College  Life_Sciences
## 2 Research_Development            (5,9] Below_College  Life_Sciences
## 3 Research_Development            [1,2]       College          Other
## 4 Research_Development            (2,5]        Master  Life_Sciences
## 5 Research_Development            [1,2] Below_College        Medical
## 6 Research_Development            [1,2]       College  Life_Sciences
##   EnvironmentSatisfaction Gender HourlyRate JobInvolvement JobLevel
## 1                  Medium Female   (87,100]           High        2
## 2                    High   Male    (59,73]         Medium        2
## 3               Very_High   Male   (87,100]         Medium        1
## 4               Very_High Female    (45,59]           High        1
## 5                     Low   Male    [30,45]           High        1
## 6               Very_High   Male    (73,87]           High        1
##                 JobRole JobSatisfaction MaritalStatus       MonthlyIncome
## 1       Sales_Executive       Very_High        Single (5.74e+03,9.86e+03]
## 2    Research_Scientist          Medium       Married (4.23e+03,5.74e+03]
## 3 Laboratory_Technician            High        Single  [1.01e+03,2.7e+03]
## 4    Research_Scientist            High       Married  (2.7e+03,4.23e+03]
## 5 Laboratory_Technician          Medium       Married  (2.7e+03,4.23e+03]
## 6 Laboratory_Technician       Very_High        Single  (2.7e+03,4.23e+03]
##           MonthlyRate NumCompaniesWorked OverTime PercentSalaryHike
## 1 (1.67e+04,2.17e+04]                  8      Yes           [11,12]
## 2  (2.17e+04,2.7e+04]                  1       No           (19,25]
## 3 [2.09e+03,6.89e+03]                  6      Yes           (13,15]
## 4  (2.17e+04,2.7e+04]                  1      Yes           [11,12]
## 5 (1.18e+04,1.67e+04]                  9       No           [11,12]
## 6 (1.18e+04,1.67e+04]                  0       No           (12,13]
##   PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction StockOptionLevel
## 1         Excellent                      Low                0
## 2       Outstanding                Very_High                1
## 3         Excellent                   Medium                0
## 4         Excellent                     High                0
## 5         Excellent                Very_High                1
## 6         Excellent                     High                0
##   TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance YearsAtCompany
## 1             (5,8]                     0             Bad          (5,7]
## 2            (8,10]                     3          Better         (7,10]
## 3             (5,8]                     3          Better          [0,2]
## 4             (5,8]                     3          Better         (7,10]
## 5             (5,8]                     3          Better          [0,2]
## 6             (5,8]                     2            Good          (5,7]
##   YearsInCurrentRole YearsWithCurrManager
## 1              (2,4]                (4,7]
## 2              (4,7]                (4,7]
## 3              [0,1]                [0,1]
## 4              (4,7]                [0,1]
## 5              (1,2]                (1,2]
## 6              (4,7]                (4,7]

Yes that appears to be it. So let’s manually cut it into 4 groups and then apply the 5 grouping code to the other 11 variables. Once we have accomplished that we can run the same newattrit <- attrition %>% select_if(is.factor) we ran earlier to produce a newattrit dataframe we can work with.

attrition$YearsSinceLastPromotion <- cut(
  breaks = c(-1, 0.9, 1.9, 2.9, 30),
  labels = c("Less than 1", "1", "2", "More than 2")

attrition <- attrition %>% 
                  mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(cut_number(., n=5)))
##       Age      Attrition            BusinessTravel
##  [18,29]:326   No :1233   Non-Travel       : 150  
##  (29,34]:325   Yes: 237   Travel_Frequently: 277  
##  (34,38]:255              Travel_Rarely    :1043  
##  (38,45]:291                                      
##  (45,60]:273                                      
##               DailyRate                  Department  DistanceFromHome
##  [102,392]         :294   Human_Resources     : 63   [1,2]  :419     
##  (392,656]         :294   Research_Development:961   (2,5]  :213     
##  (656,942]         :294   Sales               :446   (5,9]  :308     
##  (942,1.22e+03]    :294                              (9,17] :253     
##  (1.22e+03,1.5e+03]:294                              (17,29]:277     
##          Education            EducationField EnvironmentSatisfaction
##  Below_College:170   Human_Resources : 27    Low      :284          
##  College      :282   Life_Sciences   :606    Medium   :287          
##  Bachelor     :572   Marketing       :159    High     :453          
##  Master       :398   Medical         :464    Very_High:446          
##  Doctor       : 48   Other           : 82                           
##                      Technical_Degree:132                           
##     Gender       HourlyRate    JobInvolvement JobLevel
##  Female:588   [30,45] :306   Low      : 83    1:543   
##  Male  :882   (45,59] :298   Medium   :375    2:534   
##               (59,73] :280   High     :868    3:218   
##               (73,87] :312   Very_High:144    4:106   
##               (87,100]:274                    5: 69   
##                       JobRole     JobSatisfaction  MaritalStatus
##  Sales_Executive          :326   Low      :289    Divorced:327  
##  Research_Scientist       :292   Medium   :280    Married :673  
##  Laboratory_Technician    :259   High     :442    Single  :470  
##  Manufacturing_Director   :145   Very_High:459                  
##  Healthcare_Representative:131                                  
##  Manager                  :102                                  
##  (Other)                  :215                                  
##              MonthlyIncome              MonthlyRate  NumCompaniesWorked
##  [1.01e+03,2.7e+03] :294   [2.09e+03,6.89e+03]:294   1      :521       
##  (2.7e+03,4.23e+03] :294   (6.89e+03,1.18e+04]:294   0      :197       
##  (4.23e+03,5.74e+03]:294   (1.18e+04,1.67e+04]:294   3      :159       
##  (5.74e+03,9.86e+03]:294   (1.67e+04,2.17e+04]:294   2      :146       
##  (9.86e+03,2e+04]   :294   (2.17e+04,2.7e+04] :294   4      :139       
##                                                      7      : 74       
##                                                      (Other):234       
##  OverTime   PercentSalaryHike   PerformanceRating RelationshipSatisfaction
##  No :1054   [11,12]:408       Low        :   0    Low      :276           
##  Yes: 416   (12,13]:209       Good       :   0    Medium   :303           
##             (13,15]:302       Excellent  :1244    High     :459           
##             (15,19]:325       Outstanding: 226    Very_High:432           
##             (19,25]:226                                                   
##  StockOptionLevel TotalWorkingYears TrainingTimesLastYear WorkLifeBalance
##  0:631            [0,5]  :316       0: 54                 Bad   : 80     
##  1:596            (5,8]  :309       1: 71                 Good  :344     
##  2:158            (8,10] :298       2:547                 Better:893     
##  3: 85            (10,17]:261       3:491                 Best  :153     
##                   (17,40]:286       4:123                                
##                                     5:119                                
##                                     6: 65                                
##  YearsAtCompany YearsInCurrentRole YearsSinceLastPromotion
##  [0,2]  :342    [0,1] :301         Less than 1:581        
##  (2,5]  :434    (1,2] :372         1          :357        
##  (5,7]  :166    (2,4] :239         2          :159        
##  (7,10] :282    (4,7] :295         More than 2:373        
##  (10,40]:246    (7,18]:263                                
##  YearsWithCurrManager
##  [0,1] :339          
##  (1,2] :344          
##  (2,4] :240          
##  (4,7] :276          
##  (7,17]:271          
newattrit <- attrition %>% 
## [1] 1470   31

Now we have newattrit with all 30 predictor variables. We will simply repeat the process we used earlier to develop 4 new models.

# Repeat to produce models 5-8
chaidattrit5 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ Age + BusinessTravel + DailyRate + Department + DistanceFromHome + 
##     Education + EducationField + EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + 
##     HourlyRate + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + JobRole + JobSatisfaction + 
##     MaritalStatus + MonthlyIncome + MonthlyRate + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PercentSalaryHike + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TotalWorkingYears + TrainingTimesLastYear + 
##     WorkLifeBalance + YearsAtCompany + YearsInCurrentRole + YearsSinceLastPromotion + 
##     YearsWithCurrManager
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] YearsAtCompany in [0,2]
## |   |   |   [4] Age in [18,29], (29,34]
## |   |   |   |   [5] StockOptionLevel in 0
## |   |   |   |   |   [6] BusinessTravel in Non-Travel, Travel_Rarely: No (n = 56, err = 41.1%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [7] BusinessTravel in Travel_Frequently: Yes (n = 10, err = 10.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [8] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3: No (n = 63, err = 15.9%)
## |   |   |   [9] Age in (34,38], (38,45], (45,60]
## |   |   |   |   [10] WorkLifeBalance in Bad: No (n = 4, err = 50.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [11] WorkLifeBalance in Good, Better, Best
## |   |   |   |   |   [12] EducationField in Human_Resources, Life_Sciences, Marketing, Medical: No (n = 92, err = 2.2%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [13] EducationField in Other, Technical_Degree: No (n = 13, err = 23.1%)
## |   |   [14] YearsAtCompany in (2,5], (5,7], (7,10], (10,40]
## |   |   |   [15] WorkLifeBalance in Bad: No (n = 45, err = 22.2%)
## |   |   |   [16] WorkLifeBalance in Good, Better, Best
## |   |   |   |   [17] JobSatisfaction in Low
## |   |   |   |   |   [18] StockOptionLevel in 0
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [19] RelationshipSatisfaction in Low: Yes (n = 11, err = 45.5%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [20] RelationshipSatisfaction in Medium: No (n = 12, err = 8.3%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [21] RelationshipSatisfaction in High: No (n = 17, err = 47.1%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [22] RelationshipSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 20, err = 0.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [23] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3: No (n = 93, err = 4.3%)
## |   |   |   |   [24] JobSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   [25] Age in [18,29], (29,34], (34,38], (38,45]
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [26] BusinessTravel in Non-Travel, Travel_Rarely
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [27] JobInvolvement in Low: No (n = 25, err = 12.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [28] JobInvolvement in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [29] RelationshipSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 81, err = 3.7%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [30] RelationshipSatisfaction in Medium, High: No (n = 198, err = 0.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [31] RelationshipSatisfaction in Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [32] DistanceFromHome in [1,2], (2,5], (5,9], (17,29]: No (n = 92, err = 2.2%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [33] DistanceFromHome in (9,17]: No (n = 13, err = 23.1%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [34] BusinessTravel in Travel_Frequently: No (n = 95, err = 8.4%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [35] Age in (45,60]
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [36] JobSatisfaction in Low, Medium, High
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [37] TotalWorkingYears in [0,5], (5,8], (8,10], (17,40]: No (n = 57, err = 0.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [38] TotalWorkingYears in (10,17]: No (n = 14, err = 28.6%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [39] JobSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 43, err = 20.9%)
## |   [40] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [41] JobLevel in 1
## |   |   |   [42] StockOptionLevel in 0, 3
## |   |   |   |   [43] DistanceFromHome in [1,2], (2,5]
## |   |   |   |   |   [44] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Low: Yes (n = 12, err = 16.7%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [45] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High: No (n = 33, err = 36.4%)
## |   |   |   |   [46] DistanceFromHome in (5,9], (9,17], (17,29]: Yes (n = 44, err = 18.2%)
## |   |   |   [47] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2
## |   |   |   |   [48] BusinessTravel in Non-Travel, Travel_Rarely: No (n = 50, err = 26.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [49] BusinessTravel in Travel_Frequently: Yes (n = 17, err = 35.3%)
## |   |   [50] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [51] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married
## |   |   |   |   [52] EnvironmentSatisfaction in Low, Medium: No (n = 60, err = 20.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [53] EnvironmentSatisfaction in High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   [54] TrainingTimesLastYear in 0, 6: No (n = 10, err = 40.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [55] TrainingTimesLastYear in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [56] YearsInCurrentRole in [0,1], (1,2]: No (n = 36, err = 11.1%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [57] YearsInCurrentRole in (2,4], (4,7], (7,18]: No (n = 82, err = 0.0%)
## |   |   |   [58] MaritalStatus in Single
## |   |   |   |   [59] Department in Human_Resources, Research_Development: No (n = 37, err = 10.8%)
## |   |   |   |   [60] Department in Sales: Yes (n = 35, err = 40.0%)
## Number of inner nodes:    28
## Number of terminal nodes: 32
  main = "Default control sliced numerics",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3,
    fontsize = 8

ctrl <- chaid_control(minsplit = 200, minprob = 0.05)
chaidattrit6 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit, control = ctrl)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ Age + BusinessTravel + DailyRate + Department + DistanceFromHome + 
##     Education + EducationField + EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + 
##     HourlyRate + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + JobRole + JobSatisfaction + 
##     MaritalStatus + MonthlyIncome + MonthlyRate + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PercentSalaryHike + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TotalWorkingYears + TrainingTimesLastYear + 
##     WorkLifeBalance + YearsAtCompany + YearsInCurrentRole + YearsSinceLastPromotion + 
##     YearsWithCurrManager
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] YearsAtCompany in [0,2]
## |   |   |   [4] Age in [18,29], (29,34]: No (n = 129, err = 32.6%)
## |   |   |   [5] Age in (34,38], (38,45], (45,60]: No (n = 109, err = 6.4%)
## |   |   [6] YearsAtCompany in (2,5], (5,7], (7,10], (10,40]
## |   |   |   [7] WorkLifeBalance in Bad: No (n = 45, err = 22.2%)
## |   |   |   [8] WorkLifeBalance in Good, Better, Best
## |   |   |   |   [9] JobSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 153, err = 12.4%)
## |   |   |   |   [10] JobSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   [11] Age in [18,29], (29,34], (34,38], (38,45]
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [12] BusinessTravel in Non-Travel, Travel_Rarely
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [13] JobInvolvement in Low: No (n = 25, err = 12.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [14] JobInvolvement in Medium, High, Very_High
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [15] RelationshipSatisfaction in Low: No (n = 81, err = 3.7%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [16] RelationshipSatisfaction in Medium, High: No (n = 198, err = 0.0%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   [17] RelationshipSatisfaction in Very_High: No (n = 105, err = 4.8%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [18] BusinessTravel in Travel_Frequently: No (n = 95, err = 8.4%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [19] Age in (45,60]: No (n = 114, err = 11.4%)
## |   [20] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [21] JobLevel in 1: Yes (n = 156, err = 47.4%)
## |   |   [22] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [23] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married: No (n = 188, err = 10.6%)
## |   |   |   [24] MaritalStatus in Single: No (n = 72, err = 34.7%)
## Number of inner nodes:    11
## Number of terminal nodes: 13
  main = "minsplit = 200, minprob = 0.05",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3,
    fontsize = 8

ctrl <- chaid_control(maxheight = 3)
chaidattrit7 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit, control = ctrl)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ Age + BusinessTravel + DailyRate + Department + DistanceFromHome + 
##     Education + EducationField + EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + 
##     HourlyRate + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + JobRole + JobSatisfaction + 
##     MaritalStatus + MonthlyIncome + MonthlyRate + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PercentSalaryHike + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TotalWorkingYears + TrainingTimesLastYear + 
##     WorkLifeBalance + YearsAtCompany + YearsInCurrentRole + YearsSinceLastPromotion + 
##     YearsWithCurrManager
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] YearsAtCompany in [0,2]
## |   |   |   [4] Age in [18,29], (29,34]: No (n = 129, err = 32.6%)
## |   |   |   [5] Age in (34,38], (38,45], (45,60]: No (n = 109, err = 6.4%)
## |   |   [6] YearsAtCompany in (2,5], (5,7], (7,10], (10,40]
## |   |   |   [7] WorkLifeBalance in Bad: No (n = 45, err = 22.2%)
## |   |   |   [8] WorkLifeBalance in Good, Better, Best: No (n = 771, err = 6.6%)
## |   [9] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [10] JobLevel in 1
## |   |   |   [11] StockOptionLevel in 0, 3: Yes (n = 89, err = 34.8%)
## |   |   |   [12] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2: No (n = 67, err = 35.8%)
## |   |   [13] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [14] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married: No (n = 188, err = 10.6%)
## |   |   |   [15] MaritalStatus in Single: No (n = 72, err = 34.7%)
## Number of inner nodes:    7
## Number of terminal nodes: 8
  main = "maxheight = 3",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3,
    fontsize = 8

ctrl <- chaid_control(alpha2 = .01, alpha4 = .01)
chaidattrit8 <- chaid(Attrition ~ ., data = newattrit, control = ctrl)
## Model formula:
## Attrition ~ Age + BusinessTravel + DailyRate + Department + DistanceFromHome + 
##     Education + EducationField + EnvironmentSatisfaction + Gender + 
##     HourlyRate + JobInvolvement + JobLevel + JobRole + JobSatisfaction + 
##     MaritalStatus + MonthlyIncome + MonthlyRate + NumCompaniesWorked + 
##     OverTime + PercentSalaryHike + PerformanceRating + RelationshipSatisfaction + 
##     StockOptionLevel + TotalWorkingYears + TrainingTimesLastYear + 
##     WorkLifeBalance + YearsAtCompany + YearsInCurrentRole + YearsSinceLastPromotion + 
##     YearsWithCurrManager
## Fitted party:
## [1] root
## |   [2] OverTime in No
## |   |   [3] YearsAtCompany in [0,2]
## |   |   |   [4] Age in [18,29], (29,34]
## |   |   |   |   [5] StockOptionLevel in 0: No (n = 66, err = 48.5%)
## |   |   |   |   [6] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3: No (n = 63, err = 15.9%)
## |   |   |   [7] Age in (34,38], (38,45], (45,60]
## |   |   |   |   [8] WorkLifeBalance in Bad: No (n = 4, err = 50.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [9] WorkLifeBalance in Good, Better, Best: No (n = 105, err = 4.8%)
## |   |   [10] YearsAtCompany in (2,5], (5,7], (7,10], (10,40]
## |   |   |   [11] WorkLifeBalance in Bad: No (n = 45, err = 22.2%)
## |   |   |   [12] WorkLifeBalance in Good, Better, Best
## |   |   |   |   [13] JobSatisfaction in Low
## |   |   |   |   |   [14] JobRole in Healthcare_Representative, Human_Resources, Laboratory_Technician, Manager, Manufacturing_Director, Research_Director, Research_Scientist, Sales_Executive
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [15] StockOptionLevel in 0: No (n = 58, err = 22.4%)
## |   |   |   |   |   |   [16] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2, 3: No (n = 92, err = 3.3%)
## |   |   |   |   |   [17] JobRole in Sales_Representative: Yes (n = 3, err = 0.0%)
## |   |   |   |   [18] JobSatisfaction in Medium, High, Very_High: No (n = 618, err = 5.2%)
## |   [19] OverTime in Yes
## |   |   [20] JobLevel in 1
## |   |   |   [21] StockOptionLevel in 0, 3: Yes (n = 89, err = 34.8%)
## |   |   |   [22] StockOptionLevel in 1, 2: No (n = 67, err = 35.8%)
## |   |   [23] JobLevel in 2, 3, 4, 5
## |   |   |   [24] MaritalStatus in Divorced, Married: No (n = 188, err = 10.6%)
## |   |   |   [25] MaritalStatus in Single
## |   |   |   |   [26] Department in Human_Resources, Research_Development: No (n = 37, err = 10.8%)
## |   |   |   |   [27] Department in Sales: Yes (n = 35, err = 40.0%)
## Number of inner nodes:    13
## Number of terminal nodes: 14
  main = "alpha2 = .01, alpha4 = .01",
  gp = gpar(
    col = "blue",
    lty = "solid",
    lwd = 3,
    fontsize = 8

As we did earlier we’ll also repeat the steps necessary to build a table of results.

modellist <- list(Model1 = chaidattrit1, 
                  Model2 = chaidattrit2, 
                  Model3 = chaidattrit3, 
                  Model4 = chaidattrit4, 
                  Model5 = chaidattrit5, 
                  Model6 = chaidattrit6, 
                  Model7 = chaidattrit7, 
                  Model8 = chaidattrit8)
CHAIDResults <- map(modellist, ~ predict(.x)) %>% 
  map(~ confusionMatrix(newattrit$Attrition, .x)) %>%
  map_dfr(~ cbind(as.data.frame(t(.x$overall)),as.data.frame(t(.x$byClass))), .id = "ModelNumb")
kable(CHAIDResults, "html") %>% 
   kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"), 
                 font_size = 10)
ModelNumb Accuracy Kappa AccuracyLower AccuracyUpper AccuracyNull AccuracyPValue McnemarPValue Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value Neg Pred Value Precision Recall F1 Prevalence Detection Rate Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy
Model1 0.8707483 0.4191632 0.8525159 0.8874842 0.9095238 0.9999996 0.0e+00 0.8900524 0.6766917 0.9651257 0.3797468 0.9651257 0.8900524 0.9260700 0.9095238 0.8095238 0.8387755 0.7833720
Model2 0.8455782 0.3529603 0.8260781 0.8636860 0.8857143 0.9999985 6.4e-06 0.8863287 0.5297619 0.9359286 0.3755274 0.9359286 0.8863287 0.9104536 0.8857143 0.7850340 0.8387755 0.7080453
Model3 0.8571429 0.2936476 0.8382017 0.8746440 0.9394558 1.0000000 0.0e+00 0.8703838 0.6516854 0.9748581 0.2447257 0.9748581 0.8703838 0.9196634 0.9394558 0.8176871 0.8387755 0.7610346
Model4 0.8619048 0.3676334 0.8432050 0.8791447 0.9156463 1.0000000 0.0e+00 0.8826152 0.6370968 0.9635036 0.3333333 0.9635036 0.8826152 0.9212873 0.9156463 0.8081633 0.8387755 0.7598560
Model5 0.8775510 0.4451365 0.8596959 0.8938814 0.9122449 0.9999968 0.0e+00 0.8926174 0.7209302 0.9708029 0.3924051 0.9708029 0.8926174 0.9300699 0.9122449 0.8142857 0.8387755 0.8067738
Model6 0.8442177 0.3317731 0.8246542 0.8623944 0.8938776 1.0000000 1.0e-07 0.8820396 0.5256410 0.9399838 0.3459916 0.9399838 0.8820396 0.9100903 0.8938776 0.7884354 0.8387755 0.7038403
Model7 0.8571429 0.2936476 0.8382017 0.8746440 0.9394558 1.0000000 0.0e+00 0.8703838 0.6516854 0.9748581 0.2447257 0.9748581 0.8703838 0.9196634 0.9394558 0.8176871 0.8387755 0.7610346
Model8 0.8639456 0.3808988 0.8453515 0.8810715 0.9136054 1.0000000 0.0e+00 0.8845867 0.6456693 0.9635036 0.3459916 0.9635036 0.8845867 0.9223602 0.9136054 0.8081633 0.8387755 0.7651280

You can clearly see that Overtime remains the first cut in our tree structure but that now other variables have started to influence our model as well, such as how long they’ve worked for us and their age. You can see from the table that model #5 is apparently the most accurate now. Not by a huge amount but apparently these numeric variables we ignored at first pass do matter at least to some degree.

Not done yet

I’m not going to dwell on the current results too much they are simply for an example and in my next post I’d like to spend some time on over-fitting and cross validation.

I hope you’ve found this useful. I am always open to comments, corrections and suggestions.

Chuck (ibecav at gmail dot com)


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.