A package that includes miscellaneous functions useful for teaching statistics as well as actually practicing the art. They typically are not new methods but rather wrappers around either base R or other packages.

Functions included

  • newggslopegraph creates a "slopegraph" as conceptualized by Edward Tufte.

  • Plot2WayANOVA which as the name implies conducts a 2 way ANOVA and plots the results using `ggplot2`

  • PlotXTabs2 which wraps around ggplot2 to provide Bivariate bar charts for categorical and ordinal data.

  • chaid_table provides tabular summary of CHAID partykit object.

  • cross2_var_vectors helper function to cross a vector of variables.

  • PlotXTabs Plots cross tabulated variables using `ggplot2`

  • Mode which finds the modal value in a vector of data

  • SeeDist which wraps around ggplot2 to provide visualizations of univariate data.

  • OurConf which wraps around ggplot2 to provide visualizations of sampling confidence intervals.